Former Head, Propulsion and Combustion Lab (1989-1995)
Biographical Data
- b. former U.S.S.R 1930.
- B.Sc., Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys, 1953.
- M.Sc., Moscow University, 1967.
- D.Sc., Moscow institute of Aeronautical Technology, 1968.
- Research institute of Energetics, Moscow, 1955-1972.
- at technion since 1973.
Main Interests
- Liquid solid fuel gas combustion
- Heat transfer
- Thermodynamics
- Industrial heating
Selected Publications
- “Temperature measurment in combustors by use of suction pyrometry”, Combust. Sci. and Techn., 55 pp. 4-6, 1989.
- “Volatilization and Burning of Pulverized Coal, with Radiation Heat Transfer Effects in Counter Flow Combustor”, Combust. Sci. and Techn., 64, p. 1-17, 1989 (with J.B Greenberg).
- “Oscillating Gas-Temperature Measurment Using Suction and Compensation for off-Radiation Losses”, 9th International Heat Transfer Conf., 1990, Hemisphere Publishing Corp. (with G. Gadiot).
- “Heat and Mass Transport Problems in Thermal Barrier Coating of Coal Fired Gas Turbine Blades”, International Heat Transfer Conf., 1990, Hemisphere Publishing Corp. (with E. Shvarzshtein and Y.M Timnat).
- “Competition between thermophoretic deposition and erosion loading to appearance of steady coating”, J. of Aerosol Science, 23, 2, 1992 (with Libis and J.B Greenberg).