January, 2017:
Nachum Eisen was honored in the president’s list for excellent students. Nachum is a PhD student in the special route for students with exceptional achievements, under the supervision of Prof. Alon Gany. Congratulations, Nachum!
January, 2017:
David Castañeda won the excellence Gutwirth prize. The prize was given at a ceremony which was held on January 19th at the Aerospace Engineering Faculty. David is a MSc student, under the supervision of Prof. Benny Natan. Congratulations, David!
January, 2017:
Shahar Wollmark won the Seginer prize for outstanding research. Shahar’s research is in the field of nano-aluminum propellants, under the supervision of Dr. Yinon Yavor. Congratulations, Shahar!
January, 2017:
Inna Zamir won the Rubin prize for outstanding research in the field of propulsion. Inna is a PhD student under the supervision of Prof. Alon Gany.
Congratulations, Inna!
December, 2016:
Dr. Manisha B. Padwal, a Doctor of Aerospace Engineering from IIT Kanpur, India, is the center’s newest Post-Doctoral Fellow. Manisha will be conducting her research with Prof. Benny Natan. We wish her the best of luck!
December, 2016:
Shani Elitzur was invited to give a plenary talk on hydrogen energy in the conference “How to Change the World”, that took place in the Royal Institute, London on December 1, 2016.
November, 2016:
Shani Elitzur was invited to serve as a jury in the international competition Falling Walls Lab that took place in Berlin, November 8, 2016.
September, 2016:
Inna Zamir passed her PhD candidancy exam on September 21st, 2016. Inna’s PhD, titled “Electric Control of the Burning Rate of a Solid Propellant”, has been carried-on under the supervision of Prof. Alon Gany.
Congratulations, Inna!
August, 2016:
Shani Elitzur was honored as a Plenary Speaker in Alpbach Technology Symposium, Alpbach, Austria, on August 25-27, 2016. Shani’s talk was on the subject of her PhD’s research on hydrogen production from the reaction of Aluminum and water. She received the invitation after winning the 3rd place in the international competition “Falling Walls Lab” for innovative research of young scientists, that took place in Berlin in November 2015. During the Alpbach Symposium, Shani also experienced the enjoyable opportunity of talking about her research with local school girls.
Congratulations, Shani!
August, 2016:
Dr. Yinon Yavor was recognized as Technion’s Excellent Teacher in the spring semester of 2016. Yinon taught the course “Rocket Propulsion”.
Congratulations, Yinon!
August, 2016:
Daniel Komornik passed his PhD candidacy exam on August 16, 2016. Daniel conducts his PhD research titled “Study of a Ducted Rocket with a Hybrid Gas Generator” under the supervision of Prof. Alon Gany.
Congratulations, Daniel!
August, 2016:
Shani Elitzur, a PhD student under the supervision of Prof. Alon Gany and Dr. Valery Rosenband, was elected as the Rieger Foundation – Jewish National Fund Fellow in Environmental Studies, for the academic year of 2016-2017. Shani will get the Rieger Fellowship in a ceremony that will be held in Tel Aviv University on September 28, 2016. Shani is one of 14 Fellows selected this year from 34 applicants. Shani’s PhD research is titled “Investigation of Aluminum – Water Reaction for Hydrogen Production and Energy Storage”.
Congratulations, Shani!
June 30, 2016:
Evgenia Golda Kishilev passed her PhD final exam on June 30, 2016. Golda’s PhD thesis, titled “Investigation of Nano-Porous Silicon Based Energetic Materials” was conducted under the supervision of Prof. Alon Gany.
Congratulations, Golda!
March, 2016:
Yoash Mor received the Hillel prize for excellence in studies and research in a ceremony that took place on March 9, 2016, during a festive dinner in the 56th Israel Conference on Aerospace Sciences.
Congratulations, Yoash!
March, 2016:
Prof. Vladimir Zarko of the Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion, Novosibirsk, Russia, visited us on March 6-12, 2016. He gave a seminar titled “Studying Combustion of Energetic Materials” at the Fine Rocket Propulsion Center, and also gave a talk in the 56th Israel Conference on Aerospace Sciences.
March, 2016:
Prof. Benny Natan has started his sabbatical leave from the Technion at the Aerospace Science and Technology Department of the Politecnico di Milano, Italy. Prof. Natan will return to the Technion in mid-September 2016.
February, 2016:
Dr. Oswaldo Barbosa Loureda of Brazil was nominated as a Post-Doc fellow. He will be doing research with Prof. Alon Gany during the period of February – October 2016. His internship is supported by the Brazilian Space Agency. Oswaldo received his PhD degree from the Technological Institute of Aeronautics, Brazil in 2015.
January 14, 2016:
Yoash Mor was granted the Rubin Prize for “excellent research work in the field of propulsion”. Yoash is a PhD student under the supervision of Prof. Alon Gany. His research is entitled “Investigation of Containment Mechanism and Combustion of a Liquid Oxidizer in a Solid Propellant”. This prize was granted in a ceremony at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering on Jan 14, 2016. Congratulations, Yoash!
December 22, 2014:
Dr. Arno Hahma of Diehl BGT Defence, Germany, gave a seminar on flare composition and performance at the Fine Rocket Propulsion Center on December 22, 2014. He visited the Technion on December 21-24, 2014.
December 19, 2014:
Shani Elitzur won 2nd Prize for the Best Poster presented at the 28th Symposium of the Israeli Section of the Combustion Institute, Tel Aviv, Dec. 18, 2014.
Valery Rosenband and Alon Gany are Shani’s co-authors of the poster titled “Characterization of Activated Aluminum-Water Reaction under High Pressure Conditions”.
December 10, 2014:
Danny Michaels passed his Ph.D. final exam on Nov. 30, 2014 and completed his obligation for receiving his Ph.D. degree.
Danny’s thesis, “Interior Ballistics of a Combustion Chamber Discharging a Concentrated Mass” was conducted under the supervision of Prof. Alon Gany.
Dan Michaels has been granted a Post Doctoral Fellowship at MIT, starting in January 2015.
Congratulations Danny!!!
November 24, 2014:
Shani Elitzur, a Ph.D. student under the supervision of Prof. Alon Gany and Dr. Valery Rosenband, was invited to present her research during the morning program of Orly and Guy on Channel 10, on Nov. 24, 2014. Shani presented the technology of hydrogen production from aluminum-water reaction, and its application in a fuel cell to propel an electric model car. http://youtube/DK54x4KQguU
September 30, 2014:
Prof. Alon Gany has been elected as a Foriegn Member of the US National Academy of Engineering (NAE).
He participated in the Induction Ceremony for new NAE Members in Washington DC on Sept. 28, 2014, where he received the NAE membership diploma from the NAE President, S. Mote, “for advances in the development of solid propellants for rockets and scramjets”.
September 15, 2014:
Shani Sisi (Ben Basat) passed her M.Sc. exam on Aug. 21, 2014. Her M.Sc. degree in Aerospace Engineering was approved by the Senate of the Technion.
Shani’s thesis “Parametric Investigation of a Hybrid Motor Employing Paraffin and Nitrous Oxide” was carried out under the supervision of Prof. Alon Gany.
Congratulations Shani!!!
June 11, 2014:
Prof. Benveniste (Benny) Natan, Prof. Alon Gany, Dr. Victor Chernov, Dan Michaels (Ph.D. student), Yair Solomon (Ph.D. student), and Shani Sisi (M.Sc. student) of the Fine Rocket Propulsion Center participated and presented papers in the 10th International Symposium on Special Problems in Chemical Propulsion (10-ISICP), Poitiers, France, June 2-6, 2014.
Prof. Alon Gany and Dan Michaels, ISICP10
The paper by Dan Michaels and Alon Gany, “Investigation of a Thruster Based on a Traveling Propellant Charge”, presented by Dan Michaels, won Best Paper Award.
The poster by Arza Hadad, Dan Grinstein and Benveniste Natan, “Time Dependent Combustion Modeling of Gel Fuel Droplet”, won Best Poster Award.
פרופ’ בנבניסטה (בני) נתן, פרופ’ אלון גני, דר’ ויקטור צ’רנוב, דן מייקלס (סטודנט לתואר דוקטור), יאיר סולומון (סטודנט לתואר דוקטור) ושני סיסי (סטודנטית לתואר מגיסטר) במרכז להנעה רקטית ע”ש פיין השתתפו והציגו מאמרים בכנס:10th International Symposium on Special Problems in Chemical Propulsion (10-ISICP), Poitiers, France, June 2-6, 2014.
המאמר של דן מייקלס ואלון גני, “Investigation of a Thruster Based on a Traveling Propellant Charge”, שהוצג על ידי דן מייקלס, זכה בפרס המאמר הטוב ביותר.
הפוסטר של ארזה חדד, דן גרינשטיין ובנבניסטה נתן “Time Dependent Combustion Modeling of Gel Fuel Droplet”, זה בפרס הפוסטר הטוב ביותר.
May 26, 2014:
Congratulations to our Master Degree Recipients:
- Shani Elitzur – “Study of Hydrogen Production and Storage Based on Aluminum-Water Reaction” – M.Sc with Thesis (Cum Laude), under the supervision of Prof. Alon Gany and Dr. Valery Rosenband
- Ilanit Schreiber – “Experimental Investigation of a Hybrid Motor with Nitrous Oxide Oxidizer” – M.Sc. with Thesis, under the supervision of Prof. Alon Gany
- Or Livne – “Combustion Model of a Solid Propellant Augmented by a Liquid Oxidizer” – M.Sc., under the supervision of Prof. Alon Gany
- Tomer Schwartz – M.E., under the supervision of Prof. Benny Natan
שני אליצור, סטודנטית לתואר דוקטור בהנחיית פרופ’ אלון גני וד”ר ולרי רוזנבנד, זכתה בכבוד הכפול, פרס שני וחביבת הקהל, בתחרות סטודנטים Challenge 2014 לפתרונות להקטנת השימוש בנפט לתחבורה במסגרת כנס EcoMotion, שהתקיים בשדות-ים ב-22-23.5.2014.
הנושא שהציגה שני בכנס “טכנולוגית מימן חדשנית לאחסון אנרגיה” כמו גם רכב מודל המבוסס על טכנולוגיה זו, שפעולתו הודגמה במשך שעות ארוכות, גררו התעניינות רבה ממשתתפי הכנס, שכללו נציגי אקדמיה, תעשיות, חברות רכב בינלאומיות, חברות הזנק, משרדי ממשלה ואורחים מחו”ל מ-10 מדינות.
Shani Elitzur, a PhD student supervised by Prof. Alon Gany and Dr. Valery Rosenband, won the double honor of Second Prize and the Audience Favorite in the student competition Challenge 2014 for solutions to reduce the use of petroleum in transportation held during EcoMotion Conference in Sdot-Yam on May 22-23, 2014. Shani’s presentation “Innovative Hydrogen Energy for Energy Storage” as well as a model car operated by her as technology demonstrator, drew much attention from the conference participants. These included representatives of academia, industry, international automobile companies, start-up companies, Government, as well as guests from abroad from 10 countries.]
May 20, 2014:
מזל טוב ליאיר סולומון וארזה חדד, אשר עברו בהצלחה את בחינת המועמדות לדוקטורט, וכן לדניאל קומורניק, אשר עבר את בחינת המגיסטר וסיים את חובותיו לתואר.
Congratulations to Yair Solomon and Arza Hadad for successfully passing their Ph.D. candidacy examination, and to Daniel Komornik for passing his M.Sc examination.
Prof. Emeritus Alon Gany was appointed as Foreign member of the US National Academy of Engineering.
June 30, 2013:
A “Research Day” event took place on June 26, 2013 at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, where graduate students presented posters on their research. 9 posters were presented by students of our propulsion group. Segoula Uzan was elected “Audience Favorite” for the poster titled ” Experimental Investigation of Blunt Body Film Cooling in Supersonic High Enthalpy Flows” , co-authored with Dr. Avishag Pelosi.
July 19, 2013:
Master Degree Recipients from our propulsion group:
Evgeny Matsibeker ” Numerical Solution of the Flowfield in an Aluminized Gel Fuel Ramjet.” (MSc with Thesis)
Avraham Koifman “The Effect of Oxidizer Injection Method on Fuel Burning Rate in a Hybrid Rocket Motor.” (ME)
Mor Ben-Ephraim ” Rheological Characterization of Hydrocarbon Silica-GelFuels.” (ME)
Golda (Evgenia) Kishilev “Investigation of Nano-Silicon-Based Energetic Materials” (Master in the course of direct PhD)
TIMNAT Prize 2013 was granted to Danny Michaels, a PhD student under the supervision of Alon Gany, for traveling to present a paper at the 49th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE, San Jose, CA, USA, July 2013.Congratulations!
Aviad Gofer won the Excellence in Teaching Award for teaching-assistants, winter semester 2013.
Ph.D student Evgenia Golda Kishilev (supervisor: Prof. Alon Gany), won 2nd Prize for Best Paper Presentation at the 16th International Seminar on New Trends in Energetic Materials, April 2013, for the paper “Silicon-Based Energetic Materials”.