
Pictures from various trips, conferences, seminars and more!

Tu Bishvat + Alon and Benny Birthday Party 07.02.17

Inna and Doron’s Birthday 06.11.16

Rocket Launch with Students 20.11.16

Alex Kuznetsov Farewell Party 29.09.16

House Party at Alon 14.08.16

Visit From China 02.08.16

Faculty Trip 02.06.16

Happy Birthday, Oswaldo 30.05.16

Research Day 13.04.16

Arza’s Birthday 20.03.16

S. Zemann Seminar 13.03.16

56th IACAS Conference 09-10.03.16

Zarko Seminar 08.03.16

Dov’s Birthday 08.03.16

Research Day 02.04.15

Rocket Launch with Students 18.01.15

Farewell Party Valero 14.01.15

Shani Sisi Msc. Seminar 09.07.14

Faculty Trip 15.05.14

Farewell Party Daniel 13.05.13